

Write a Review
0.08 LBS
Detailed Description:  BEARING CAP (494A PLANTER)

Part Weight:  0.081(LB)


Diameter 1.574 IN
Outside Diameter 1.790 IN
Length 0.320 IN
Inside Diameter 0.00 IN
Thickness 0.030 IN
Material A4-3
Finish B



Diameter 39.980 MM
Outside Diameter 45.466 MM
Length 8.128 MM
Inside Diameter 0.00 MM
Thickness 0.762 MM
Material A4-3
Finish B


1010 - PLANTER
1010 Max Planter (Mexican Edition) - PC60931015 - PLANTER
1015 Planter (South America Edition) - PC61331035 - PLANTER
1035 Planter (Mexico Edition) - PC61341165 - COMBINE
1165 Combine (s.n. -060006) - PC91846059TJ02 - COMBINE
1165 Combine (s.n. -060006) - PC91846068T414 - COMBINE
1165 Combine (s.n. -060006) - PC91841175AH - COMBINE
1165, 1175A e 1175AH Combine - PCCQ289731165 - COMBINE
1165, 1175A e 1175AH Combine - PCCQ289731175A - COMBINE
1165, 1175A e 1175AH Combine - PCCQ289731175 - COMBINE
1165,1175 and 1175 Hydro Walker Combine (s.n. 060155-091543)(South American Edition) - PC96091165 - COMBINE
1165,1175 and 1175 Hydro Walker Combine (s.n. 060155-091543)(South American Edition) - PC96091175H - COMBINE
1165,1175 and 1175 Hydro Walker Combine (s.n. 060155-091543)(South American Edition) - PC96096068TJ04 - COMBINE
1165,1175 and 1175 Hydro Walker Combine (s.n. 060155-091543)(South American Edition) - PC96091175A - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621165A - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621175H4 - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621170 - COMBINE
1170 Combine - PC42701175H - COMBINE
1175 and 1175 Hydro Combine (s.n. -060154) South American - PC91851175 - COMBINE
1175 and 1175 Hydro Combine (s.n. -060154) South American - PC91851175H - COMBINE
1175H Walker Combine (s.n. 091544- )(Engine 6068TJ04),South American - PC85036068TJ04 - COMBINE
1175H Walker Combine (s.n. 091544- )(Engine 6068TJ04),South American - PC85031185 - COMBINE
1185 Combine - PCCQ301451185 - COMBINE
1185 Combine - PCCQ249111185 - COMBINE
1185 Combine - PCCQ297071185 - COMBINE
1185 Combine (South American Edition) - PC95611240 - PLANTER
1240 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC11391250 - PLANTER
1250 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC11431280 - PLANTER
1260 and 1280 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planters - PC11401260 - PLANTER
1260 and 1280 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planters - PC11401290 - PLANTER
1290 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC13031300 - PLANTER
1300 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC11411705 - PLANTER
1705 Integral Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122291715 - PLANTER
1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999) - PC12231CCS - PLANTER
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC9900CCS - CART, COMMODITY
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - CART, COMMODITY
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - PLANTER
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - PLANTER
1720 Stack-Fold Planter - PC2538CCS - PLANTER
1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122331725 - PLANTER
1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122331725 - PLANTER
1725 Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122321750 - PLANTER
1750 Conservation Planter (4, 6 and 8 Row) - PC25291750 - PLANTER
1750 Standard Planter (4 and 6 Row) - PC25326-ROW - PLANTER
1750 Standard Planter (4 and 6 Row) - PC25324-ROW - PLANTER
1750 Standard Planter (4 and 6 Row) - PC25321755 - PLANTER
1755 Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101 - 790100) - PC122361755 - PLANTER
1755 Planter (4, 6 and 8 Row)(S.N. 790101- ) - PC62051755 - PLANTER
1755 Planter (8 Row)(Mexico Edition) - PC61561760NT - PLANTER, NARROW
1760NT Conservation Planter - PC29071760NT - PLANTER
1760NT Conservation Planter - PC29071765 - PLANTER
1765 Drawn Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122371765NT - PLANTER, NARROW
1765NT Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122381765NT - PLANTER
1765NT Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122381770 - PLANTER
1770 12-Row Narrow Planter and 60 Seed Cart - PC251160 - PLANTER
1770 12-Row Narrow Planter and 60 Seed Cart - PC251160 - CART, SEED
1770 12-Row Narrow Planter and 60 Seed Cart - PC25111770 - CART, SEED
1770 12-Row Narrow Planter and 60 Seed Cart - PC25111770 - PLANTER
1770 12-Row Wide, 16-Row Narrow Flex-Fold Planter - PC25331780 - PLANTER
1780 Front-Fold Drawn Conservation Planter (12R-30 / 16R-22 and 23R-15in) (North American Edition) - PC25121780 - PLANTER
1780 MAXEMERGE PLUS Narrow Rigid Drawn Conservation Planter, 4, 6 and 8 Row - PC25351785 - PLANTER, NARROW
1785 Narrow Row Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122411785 - PLANTER
1785 Narrow Row Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC122414684 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10365184 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10365186 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364484 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364884 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364493 - PLANTER
4493 and 5193 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10375193 - PLANTER
4493 and 5193 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC1037493A - PLANTER
493A Cotton and Corn Planter - PC800495 - PLANTER, COTTON AND CORN
494, 494A, 495 and 495A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC541494A - PLANTER, COTTON AND CORN
494, 494A, 495 and 495A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC541494 - PLANTER, COTTON AND CORN
494, 494A, 495 and 495A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC541495A - PLANTER, COTTON AND CORN
494, 494A, 495 and 495A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC541494AN - PLANTER
494AN and 694AN Cotton and Corn Planters - PC981694AN - PLANTER
494AN and 694AN Cotton and Corn Planters - PC9817200 - COMBINE
6200, 7100 e 7200 Combine - PCCQ173596200 - COMBINE
6200, 7100 e 7200 Combine - PCCQ173597100 - COMBINE
6200, 7100 e 7200 Combine - PCCQ173596300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500 Turbo, 7700 Combine - PCCQ199257500 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500 Turbo, 7700 Combine - PCCQ199257300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500 Turbo, 7700 Combine - PCCQ199257700 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500 Turbo, 7700 Combine - PCCQ199257700H4 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637500 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637700 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206636300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ20663694A - PLANTER
694, 694A, 695, 695A and 894A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC570894A - PLANTER
694, 694A, 695, 695A and 894A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC570694 - PLANTER
694, 694A, 695, 695A and 894A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC570695A - PLANTER
694, 694A, 695, 695A and 894A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC570695 - PLANTER
694, 694A, 695, 695A and 894A Cotton and Corn Planters - PC5704-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16576-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16574-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16577000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16577000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Cotton and Corn Planter - PC14677000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn, Folding Planter - PC16947000 - PLANTER
7000 Flex-Fold Planter - PC201571 - PLANTER, UNIT
71 Flexi Unit Planter - PC10018-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC204612-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC204612-ROW - PLANTER
7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20467200 - PLANTER
7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20464-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20436-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20438-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20436-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20434-ROW - PLANTER
7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20437200 - PLANTER
7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20437200 - PLANTER
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22901760 - PLANTER
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22901780 - PLANTER
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22907200 - PLANTER, UNIT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22907300 - PLANTER, UNIT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22907300 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22907200 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22907300 - PLANTER
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22901760 - PLANTER, UNIT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22901780 - PLANTER, UNIT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22901760 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22901780 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
7200 and 7300 MAXEMERGE 2, 1760 and 1780 Planting Units and Attachments - PC22906-ROW - PLANTER
7200 Drawn Standard (4-Row and 6-Row) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20777200 - PLANTER
7200 Drawn Standard (4-Row and 6-Row) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20774-ROW - PLANTER
7200 Drawn Standard (4-Row and 6-Row) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC20777200 - PLANTER
7200 Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Planter (12 Wide and 16 Narrow) - PC208116-NARROW - PLANTER
7200 Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Planter (12 Wide and 16 Narrow) - PC208112-WIDE - PLANTER
7200 Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Planter (12 Wide and 16 Narrow) - PC208112-ROW - PLANTER
7200 Rigid-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Conservation Planter (12-Row) (North American Edition) - PC23247200 - PLANTER
7200 Rigid-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Conservation Planter (12-Row) (North American Edition) - PC23247200 - PLANTER
7200 Wing-Fold Drawn (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter (North American Edition) - PC228912-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7200 Wing-Fold Drawn (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter (North American Edition) - PC22898-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7200 Wing-Fold Drawn (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter (North American Edition) - PC22894-ROW - PLANTER
7240 Drawn (4-Row and 8-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC21407240 - PLANTER
7240 Drawn (4-Row and 8-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC21408-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7240 Drawn (4-Row and 8-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter - PC21408700 - COMBINE
8500H e 8700 Combine - PCCQ249108500H - COMBINE
8500H e 8700 Combine - PCCQ24910DR12 - PLANTER
Deere Orthman Planter (DR12, DR16, DR18, DR24)(S.N. 760101- ) - PC12244DR18 - PLANTER
Deere Orthman Planter (DR12, DR16, DR18, DR24)(S.N. 760101- ) - PC12244CCS - PLANTER
Deere Orthman Planter (DR12, DR16, DR18, DR24)(S.N. 760101- ) - PC12244DR24 - PLANTER
Deere Orthman Planter (DR12, DR16, DR18, DR24)(S.N. 760101- ) - PC12244DR16 - PLANTER
Deere Orthman Planter (DR12, DR16, DR18, DR24)(S.N. 760101- ) - PC122441750 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361760 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361780 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361700 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361760NT - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361760 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361730 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361720 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB60 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB44 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB90 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB44 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB80 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361710 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361780 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361730 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB44 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361700 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361770NT - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB66 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361760 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB90 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361750 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB66 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361760NT - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361710 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361730 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361770NT - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361710 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB58 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB60 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB66 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB58 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361780 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB80 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361700 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB90 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB60 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361770 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361770 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361720 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361770NT - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361760NT - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361750 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361770 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB80 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC25361720 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB58 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge PLUS Planting Units and Attachments - PC2536DB60 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB44 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB58 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB58 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781750 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781730 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781770 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478XP - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781730 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB44 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781750 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB80 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781760 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781700 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB80 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781770NT - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB44 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781760 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB80 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781770 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478MAX XP - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781770NT - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478XP - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB66 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478XP - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB60 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB58 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478MAX XP - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781780 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB66 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781710 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781700 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781780 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781720 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781730 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781720 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781780 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB66 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781770 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781750 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB60 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478MAX XP - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781760 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB90 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781700 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781770NT - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781710 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB90 - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781710 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB90 - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781720 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781760NT - PLANTER
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781760NT - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC94781760NT - PLANTER, UNIT
MaxEmerge XP Row Units and Attachments - PC9478DB44 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB58 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB60 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC92301770NT - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB66 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC92301770NT - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC92301790 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB60 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB80 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB90 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB58 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB66 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC92301790 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB90 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB44 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC9230DB80 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro Series Row Planting Unit - PC92301790 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791770NT - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791720 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479XP - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB60 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791720 TWIN ROW - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB58 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB44 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB60 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB44 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791720 CCS - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB90 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB66 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB90 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791720 CCS - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB58 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791720 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479XP - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479PRO XP - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB80 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791790 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791770NT - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479PRO XP - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB66 - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479DB80 - PLANTER, UNIT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC94791720 TWIN ROW - PLANTER, ATTACHMENT
Pro-Series XP Planting Unit (S.N. 710101- ) - PC9479XP1030 - PLANTER
XP1030 Max Planter Plus, 4 or 6 Row (Mexican Edition) - PC6094


WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals, including lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.