Product Overview
Detailed Description: | SCREW, HEX HEAD |
Part Weight: | 0.102(LB) |
Specification | |
Diameter | 12.700 MM |
Thread | UNC2A |
Length | 31.750 MM |
Thread Length | 26.873 MM |
Width Across Flats | 19.050 MM |
Head Height | 8.204 MM |
Material Grade | A17D |
Finish | B |
Part No. | Part Type | Description | Make | Machine | Model | NOTE |
19H1815 | Lawn and Grounds Care | CAP SCREW (S.N. p525000) | John Deere | Tractor, Lawn | 420 | |
19H1815 | Lawn and Grounds Care | CAP SCREW (S.N. p525000) | John Deere | Tractor, Lawn | 430 |
100 Lawn Tractor - PC1472100 - WAGON, STACK
100 Stack Wagon - PC15411008 - CUTTER, ROTARY
1008 Rotary Cutter - PC18491010 - TRACTOR
1010 Utility Tractor - PC7491020 - TRACTOR
1020, 1120 Tractors - PC41521120 - TRACTOR
1020, 1120 Tractors - PC41521030 - TRACTOR
1030, 1130, 1630 Tractors - PC41551630 - TRACTOR
1030, 1130, 1630 Tractors - PC41551130 - TRACTOR
1030, 1130, 1630 Tractors - PC41551050 - CULTIVATOR, FIELD
1050 Series Drawn Field Cultivator - PC15501175A - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621165A - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621175H4 - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621214 - MOWER, CONDITIONER
1214 Mower Conditioner - PC14631240 - PLANTER
1240 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC1139125 - LOADER, SKID-STEER
125 Skid-Steer Loader - PC15881250 - PLANTER
1250 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC11431280 - PLANTER
1260 and 1280 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planters - PC11401260 - PLANTER
1260 and 1280 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planters - PC11401300 - PLANTER
1300 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC114113035 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195313037 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195313038 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195313034 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195314 - LOADER, SKID-STEER
14 Skid-Steer Loader - PC14911408 - CUTTER, ROTARY
1408 Rotary Cutter - PC16591424 - MOWER, CONDITIONER
1424 Mower Conditioner - PC1878146 - LOADER, FARM
146 Farm Loader - PC15361508 - CUTTER, ROTARY
1508 Rotary Cutter - PC15131530 - TRACTOR
1530 Tractor - PC4133155 - BLADE
155 Rear Blade - PC15641550 - BACKHOE
1550 Backhoe - PC164316A - CHOPPER, ROTARY
15A and 16A Rotary Chopper - PC76715A - CHOPPER, ROTARY
15A and 16A Rotary Chopper - PC76719 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104616 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104620 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104618 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104660 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
160, 261 and 60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mowers - PC1847160 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
160, 261 and 60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mowers - PC1847261 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
160, 261 and 60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mowers - PC18471610 - PLOW, CHISEL
1610 Series Drawn and Integral Chisel Plows - PC16711641F - TRACTOR
1641, 1641F Tractors - PC70581641 - TRACTOR
1641, 1641F Tractors - PC7058CCS - PLANTER
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC9900CCS - CART, COMMODITY
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - CART, COMMODITY
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - PLANTER
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001740 - HARROW, SPRING TOOTH (DRAWN)
1740 Drawn Spring-Tooth Harrow - PC14952030 - TRACTOR
1830, 2030, 2130 Tractors - PC41431830 - TRACTOR
1830, 2030, 2130 Tractors - PC41432130 - TRACTOR
1830, 2030, 2130 Tractors - PC41431900 - TILLER, SEEDING
1900 Seeding Tiller - PC1466200 - WAGON, STACK
200 and 300 Stack Wagons - PC1456300 - WAGON, STACK
200 and 300 Stack Wagons - PC1456200 - THINNER, SYNCHRONOUS
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558215 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558224 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558222 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558218 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558213 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558216 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558230 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558200 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC15582010 - TRACTOR
2010 Tractor - PC6892040 - TRACTOR
2040 Utility Tractor ( -349999) - PC41502040 - TRACTOR
2040 Utility Tractor (350000- ) - PC1763205 - CUTTER, ROTARY
205 (Integral) and (Pull-Type) Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC995216 - WAGON, FORAGE
214 and 216 Forage Wagons - PC999214 - WAGON, FORAGE
214 and 216 Forage Wagons - PC9992941 - TRACTOR
2141, 2541, 2941 Tractors - PC70552141 - TRACTOR
2141, 2541, 2941 Tractors - PC70552541 - TRACTOR
2141, 2541, 2941 Tractors - PC7055215 - DISK
215 and 215 Dura-Cushion Disks - PC17532240 - TRACTOR
2240 ( -349999) Tractor - PC41512240 - TRACTOR
2240 (350000- ) Tractor - PC17642251N - TRACTOR
2251, 2251N, 2351 Tractors - PC70632251 - TRACTOR
2251, 2251N, 2351 Tractors - PC70632351 - TRACTOR
2251, 2251N, 2351 Tractors - PC70632280 - WINDROWER
2280 Hydrostatic Drive Windrower - PC1604230 - SHREDDER, FEEDER
230 Shredder, Feeder - PC15442320 - WINDROWER
2320 and 2420 Windrowers - PC19072420 - WINDROWER
2320 and 2420 Windrowers - PC1907240 - WINDROWER, PLATFORM
240 Auger (for 2320, 2420 and 2280) Platform - PC1877344 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122443 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122642 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122243 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122643 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122444 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122546 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122244 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122343 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122543 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC41222440 - TRACTOR
2440 ( -340999) Tractor - PC15382440 - TRACTOR
2440 (341000- ) Tractor - PC17602520 - TRACTOR
2520 Tractor - PC1145260 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
260 Rotary Mower (For 318, 420 and 430) - PC19292640 - TRACTOR
2640 (s.n. 341,000- ) Tractor - PC17612640 - TRACTOR
2640 (s.n.-340,999) Tractor - PC15392651 - TRACTOR
2651, 2951 Tractors - PC70642951 - TRACTOR
2651, 2951 Tractors - PC70642940 - TRACTOR
2940 Tractor - PC17623010 - TRACTOR
3010 Grove & Orchard, Row-Crop Standard & Utility Tractors (s.n. -049,999) - PC6903030 - TRACTOR
3030, 3130 Tractors - PC41273130 - TRACTOR
3030, 3130 Tractors - PC4127307 - CUTTER, ROTARY
307 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC759310A - BACKHOE, LOADER
310A, 310B Backhoe Loaders - PC1930310B - BACKHOE, LOADER
310A, 310B Backhoe Loaders - PC19303120 - TRACTOR
3120 Tractor - PC41073141 - TRACTOR
3141, 3641 Tractors - PC70573641 - TRACTOR
3141, 3641 Tractors - PC7057315 - DISK
315 Disk - PC1754CD3179DF - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC31782.9 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC3178CD3179TF - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC31783179 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC31782.9L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC3178318 - TRACTOR, LAWN AND GARDEN
318 Lawn and Garden Tractor - PC19243300 - COMBINE
3300 Combine - PC1163331 - DISK
331 Power-Flex Wing-Fold Disk - PC1633335 - DISK
335 Wing-Fold (Narrow-Wing) Disk - PC1829335 - DISK
335 Wing-Fold (Wide-Wing) Disk - PC18083351 - TRACTOR
3351, 3651 Tractors - PC70653651 - TRACTOR
3351, 3651 Tractors - PC7065339 - BALER
339 Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3186347 - BALER
347 and 467 Square Balers - PC1906467 - BALER
347 and 467 Square Balers - PC1906349T - BALER
349 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3249349WS - BALER
349 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC324935A - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
35 and 35A Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC153135 - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
35 and 35A Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC1531350 - DISK
350 Offset Disk - PC1559350B - BULLDOZER
350B and 350B (Tractor only) Crawler Tractor - PC1169355 - DISK
355 (Heavy-Duty) Offset Disk - PC1755359T - BALER
359 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3250359WS - BALER
359 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC325037 - LOADER, FARM
37 Farm Loader (for 510 and 710 Tractors) - PC1034370 - DISK
370 Big Swinger Disk - PC1609375 - DISK
375 Big Swinger Disk - PC17563765 - HARVESTER, FORAGE
3765 Forage Harvester - PC318840 - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
40 and 448 Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC1570448 - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
40 and 448 Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC1570400 - TRACTOR, LAWN AND GARDEN
400 Hydrostatic Tractor - PC14754010 - TRACTOR
4010 Tractor - PC6913.9 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
4039 Repower and OEM Engines (Saran) - PC31913.9L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
4039 Repower and OEM Engines (Saran) - PC31914039 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
4039 Repower and OEM Engines (Saran) - PC31914240 - TRACTOR
4040, 4240 and 4440 Tractors (North American Edition) - PC18984440 - TRACTOR
4040, 4240 and 4440 Tractors (North American Edition) - PC18984040 - TRACTOR
4040, 4240 and 4440 Tractors (North American Edition) - PC18986466 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19014250 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19016359 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19014450 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19014050 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC1901407 - CUTTER, ROTARY
407 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC80540E - CORN HEAD
40E Series Corn Heads - PC4149420 - TRACTOR, LAWN AND GARDEN
420 Lawn and Garden Tractor - PC1925423 - BLADE
423 Front-Mounted Utility Blade - PC17784310 - HARVESTER, BEET
4310 Beet Harvester - PC15864310A - HARVESTER, BEET
4310A Beet Harvester - PC18484400 - COMBINE
4400 Combine - PC1164440C - SKIDDER, LOG
440C Log Skidder and Grapple Log Skidder - PC1523440D - SKIDDER, LOG
440D Log Skidder and 448D Grapple Log Skidder - PC1887448D - SKIDDER, LOG
440D Log Skidder and 448D Grapple Log Skidder - PC18874420 - COMBINE
4420 Combine - PC1745465 - SPREADER, MANURE
445 and 465 Manure Spreaders - PC1677445 - SPREADER, MANURE
445 and 465 Manure Spreaders - PC16774684 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10365184 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10365186 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364484 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364884 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364493 - PLANTER
4493 and 5193 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10375193 - PLANTER
4493 and 5193 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC1037450B - BULLDOZER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170JD450B - BULLDOZER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170450B - LOADER, CRAWLER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170JD450B - LOADER, CRAWLER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443450C - LOADER, CRAWLER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443450C - CRAWLER LOADER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443466AWS - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167466AT - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167456AWS - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167456AT - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167466A - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167456A - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167459WS - BALER
459 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3251459T - BALER
459 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC32514840 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18994640 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996499AR08 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR09 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR04 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR05 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR07 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR10 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR11 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR12 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18994850 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19024650 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR15 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR20 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR21 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR18 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR16 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC1902466 - SPREADER, MANURE
466 Manure Spreader - PC1955484 - STRIPPER, COTTON
484 Cotton Stripper - PC1572493A - PLANTER
493A Cotton and Corn Planter - PC800500 - BALER, ROUND
500 Round Baler - PC1529510B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986502A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986509A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986501A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986503B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986503A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986507A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986506B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986509B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986508A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986504B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986505B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986500 - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986504A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC9865010 - TRACTOR
5010 Tractor - PC8035020 - TRACTOR
5020 (S.N. 025,000- ) Tractor - PC1156506 - CUTTER, ROTARY
506 and 606 Rotary Cutters - PC1705606 - CUTTER, ROTARY
506 and 606 Rotary Cutters - PC170551 - LOADER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
51, 52 and 67 Tractor-Mounted Loader - PC183767 - LOADER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
51, 52 and 67 Tractor-Mounted Loader - PC183752 - LOADER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
51, 52 and 67 Tractor-Mounted Loader - PC1837515 - DRILL, SOYBEAN AND GRAIN
515 Series Integral Soybean and Grain Drills - PC1912520 - DRILL, SOYBEAN AND GRAIN
520 Series Integral Soybean and Grain Drills - PC1893530 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
530 Transport Hitch Grain Drill - PC191354 - SPREADER, MANURE
54 Manure Spreader - PC115454 - CUTTER, ROTARY
54 Rotary Cutter - PC1839540B - SKIDDER, LOG
540B Log Skidder and Grapple Log Skidder - PC15245460 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5440 and 5460 Forage Harvester - PC16015440 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5440 and 5460 Forage Harvester - PC1601UNDERCARRIAGE - CRAWLER LOADER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464555 - CRAWLER LOADER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464555 - LOADER, CRAWLER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464569 - CARRIER, TOOLBAR
569 Carrier Toolbar - PC1587570 - GRADER, MOTOR
570, 570A (Automatic Blade Control System) Motor Graders - PC1058570A - GRADER, MOTOR
570, 570A (Automatic Blade Control System) Motor Graders - PC10585820 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5720 and 5820 Forage Harvesters - PC19105720 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5720 and 5820 Forage Harvesters - PC1910580 - WINDROWER
580 Pull-Type Windrower - PC169760 - LOADER, SKID-STEER
60 Skid-Steer Loader - PC161560 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Mower - PC147660 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mower (For 400, 420 and 430 Series) - PC19286000 - HI-CYCLE
6000 Hi-Cycle - PC15166059DF092 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31925.9L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31925.9 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31926059 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31926.8 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31926.8L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC319213.5 L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC1342013.5L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC134206135 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC134206135HFM85 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC134207700H4 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637500 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637700 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206636300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ20663640 - SKIDDER, LOG
640 Log Skidder and Grapple Log Skidder - PC1518646 - COMPACTOR
646 and 646B Compactors - PC1481646B - COMPACTOR
646 and 646B Compactors - PC14816466D - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC1721466 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC17216466A - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC17216466T - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC17216466 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC172165 - BLADE
65 Rear Blade - PC1813650 - CART, GRAIN
650 Grain Cart - PC18306500 - BLOWER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE
6500 Forage Blower - PC1654655 - SEEDER, CENTRAL METERING
655 Central Metering Seeder - PC1949UNDERCARRIAGE - LOADER, CRAWLER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832655 - CRAWLER LOADER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832655 - LOADER, CRAWLER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832660 - SPREADER, MANURE
660 and 680 Manure Spreaders - PC1637680 - SPREADER, MANURE
660 and 680 Manure Spreaders - PC1637670 - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC1515DUAL-HITCH - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC1515660 - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC1515671 - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC15156600 - COMBINE
6600 Combine - PC11666602 - COMBINE
6602 Hillside Combine - PC11656620 - COMBINE
6620 Combine - PC16666622 - COMBINE
6622 Combine - PC1746665 - SEEDER, CENTRAL METERING
665 Central Metering Seeder - PC1840666 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
666 Snow Blower - PC1708676 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
676 Snow Blower - PC1920686 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
686 Snow Blower - PC1921690A - EXCAVATOR
690 and 690A Excavators - PC1142690 - EXCAVATOR
690 and 690A Excavators - PC1142693B - FELLER BUNCHER
693B Feller Buncher (Canada) - PC1580693B - FELLER BUNCHER
693B Feller Buncher (USA) - PC1581696 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
696 Snow Blower - PC1922700 - SCRAPER
700 Hydraulic Controlled Scraper - PC16074-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16576-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16574-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16577000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16577000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Cotton and Corn Planter - PC14677100 - PLANTER
7100 Integral Folding MAXEMERGE Planter - PC15557100 - PLANTER
7100 Integral Planter - PC14687100 - PLANTER
7100 Soybean Special Integral Planter - PC1833714 - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC1619716 - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC1619716A - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC1619714A - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC161972 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
72, 172 and 272 Rotary Mowers - PC1568272 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
72, 172 and 272 Rotary Mowers - PC1568172 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
72, 172 and 272 Rotary Mowers - PC1568722 - TILLER, MULCH
722 Finisher Mulch Tiller - PC1954725 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
725 Series Row-Crop Cultivators - PC1931727 - CUTTER, ROTARY
727 and 737 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC1152737 - CUTTER, ROTARY
727 and 737 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC1152730 LL - DRILL, AIR
730 LL Air Disk Drill - PC9901743 - TREE HARVESTER
743 Tree Harvester and Feller-Buncher - PC15717440 - STRIPPER, COTTON
7440 Cotton Stripper - PC193275 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
75 Folding Toolbar Row-Crop Cultivator - PC1459MASTER TRAX - BULLDOZER
750 Crawler Bulldozer - PC1884750 - BULLDOZER
750 Crawler Bulldozer - PC1884UNDERCARRIAGE - BULLDOZER
750 Crawler Bulldozer - PC1884755A - LOADER, CRAWLER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715755A - CRAWLER LOADER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715762A - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
762A Elevating Scraper - PC17937700 - COMBINE
7700 Combine - PC11677701 - COMBINE
7701 Pull-Type Combine - PC1606772AH - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC1621770A - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC1621770AH - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC1621772A - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC16217720 - COMBINE
7720 Combine - PC16677721 - COMBINE
7721 Combine - PC166978 - WINDROWER, PLATFORM
78 Draper (for 780 and 800) Platform - PC106680 - TOOL BAR
80 Toolbar - PC16478350 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468500 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468000 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468250 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468100 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468200 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468300 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC144680A - BLADE
80A and 88 Rear Blade - PC104288 - BLADE
80A and 88 Rear Blade - PC1042815 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
815 and 825 Series Row-Crop Cultivators - PC1865825 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
815 and 825 Series Row-Crop Cultivators - PC1865820 - TRACTOR
820 Utility Tractor (North American Version) - PC4114830 - TRACTOR
830 Utility Tractor (North American Version) - PC4132930 - TRACTOR
830, 930 Tractors (European Edition) - PC4154830 - TRACTOR
830, 930 Tractors (European Edition) - PC4154835 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
835 Precision, Vegetable Row-Crop Cultivator - PC18668430 - TRACTOR
8430 Tractor (1974-1981) (Worldwide Edition) - PC1485844 - LOADER, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE
844 Loader - PC16318640 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC19038440 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC19036499AR08 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC19036466AR09 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC1903845 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
845 Series Folding Row-Crop Cultivator - PC18678650 - TRACTOR
8450, 8650 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC18758450 - TRACTOR
8450, 8650 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC187585 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
85 Series Folding Row-Crop Cultivator - PC1709850 - BULLDOZER
850 (Low Ground Pressure Bulldozer) Crawler Bulldozer - PC1885MASTER TRAX - BULLDOZER
850 (Low Ground Pressure Bulldozer) Crawler Bulldozer - PC1885UNDERCARRIAGE - BULLDOZER
850 (Low Ground Pressure Bulldozer) Crawler Bulldozer - PC1885855 - LOADER, CRAWLER
855 Crawler Loader - PC1625855 - CRAWLER LOADER
855 Crawler Loader - PC1625860A - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
860 and 860A Elevating Scrapers - PC1124860 - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
860 and 860A Elevating Scrapers - PC1124862 - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
862 Elevating Scraper - PC17168630 - TRACTOR
8630 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC1486870A - SPREADER, MANURE
870A Manure Spreader - PC16028820 - COMBINE
8820 Combine - PC16688850 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC18748955AR03 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC18748955AR02 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC18748955AR01 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC1874890 - EXCAVATOR
890 Excavator - PC1616890A - EXCAVATOR
890A Excavator - PC18829000 - DRILL, GRAIN
9000 Series Grain Drills and Two-Drill and Three-Drill and Grain Drill Hitches - PC15939000 - DRILL, GRAIN
9000 Series Transport Grain Drill Hitches - PC1779910 - CART, GRAIN
910 Grain Cart - PC156695 - BLADE
95 Rear Blade - PC1828955 - COMBINE
955 Combine - PC4146990 - EXCAVATOR
990 Excavator - PC18519900 - PICKER, COTTON
9900 Cotton Picker - PC14579910 - PICKER, COTTON
9910 Cotton Picker - PC16559920 - PICKER, COTTON
9920 Cotton Picker - PC19339940 - PICKER, COTTON
9940 Cotton Picker - PC1800A20 - CULTIVATOR, BEET-BEAN-VEGETABLE
A20 Beet, Bean and Vegetable Row-Crop Cultivator - PC1147B2 - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BWN - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BWS - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BW - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BD1110 - FRONTIER
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1113 - DRILL, GRAIN
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1108 - FRONTIER
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1108 - DRILL, GRAIN
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1110 - DRILL, GRAIN
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1113 - FRONTIER
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937925 - COMBINE
Combines 925, 935, 945 - PC4145945 - COMBINE
Combines 925, 935, 945 - PC4145935 - COMBINE
Combines 925, 935, 945 - PC4145970 - COMBINE
Combines 950, 960, 970 - PC4125950 - COMBINE
Combines 950, 960, 970 - PC4125960 - COMBINE
Consumer Product Accessories - PC1149F905 - DRAWBAR, HARROW
F905 and F915 Harrow Section Drawbars - PC763F915 - DRAWBAR, HARROW
F905 and F915 Harrow Section Drawbars - PC763FM468 - HARVESTER, BEAN
Hydraulic Marker - PC106224A - LOADER, SKID-STEER
JD24A and 24A Skid-Steer Loaders - PC1577544 - LOADER, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE
JD544 and JD544A Loaders - PC1068544A - LOADER, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE
JD544 and JD544A Loaders - PC1068700A - TRACTOR
JD700 Series A Tractor - PC1155760A - TRACTOR
JD760 Series A Tractor - PC1153KB - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KC - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KCA - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KBA - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KBL - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KBY - HARROW, DISK
Miscellaneous Products - PC14826135HFG75 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC107096135 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC1070913.5 L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC1070913.5L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC1070913.5 L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC1052913.5L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC105296135HFC95 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC105296135 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC1052946 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
RG Series and 46 Row-Crop Cultivators - PC717RG - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
RG Series and 46 Row-Crop Cultivators - PC717S680 - COMBINE
S680 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-766006) - PC107186135HH003 - COMBINE
S680 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-766006) - PC107186135HH004 - COMBINE
S680 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-766006) - PC107186135HH004 - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC10721HILLMASTER - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC10721S680HM - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC107216135HH003 - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC10721S690 - COMBINE
S690 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-765249) - PC107196135HH003 - COMBINE
S690 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-765249) - PC107196135HH004 - COMBINE
S690 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-765249) - PC107196135HH003 - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC107226135HH004 - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC10722HILLMASTER - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC10722S690HM - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC107226135HH007 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX130100- ) - PC13446S780 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX130100- ) - PC134466135HH007 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX140100- ) - PC16046S780 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX140100- ) - PC160466135HH007 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX130100- ) - PC13447S790 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX130100- ) - PC134476135HH007 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX140100- ) - PC16047S790 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX140100- ) - PC16047SPRINTFIRE - SNOWMOBILE
Snowfire and Sprintfire Snowmobiles - PC1872SNOWFIRE - SNOWMOBILE
Snowfire and Sprintfire Snowmobiles - PC1872SPITFIRE - SNOWMOBILE
Spitfire Snowmobile - PC1623WG32A - MOWER, WALK-BEHIND (COMMERCIAL)
WG32A Commercial Walk-Behind Mower - PC10495WG36A - MOWER, WALK-BEHIND (COMMERCIAL)
WG36A Commercial Walk-Behind Mower - PC10496WG48A - MOWER, WALK-BEHIND (COMMERCIAL)
WG48A Commercial Walk-Behind Mower - PC10497