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0.10 LBS

Product Overview

Detailed Description:  SCREW, HEX HEAD

Part Weight:  0.102(LB)


Diameter 0.500 IN
Thread UNC2A
Length 1.250 IN
Thread Length 1.058 IN
Width Across Flats 0.750 IN
Head Height 0.323 IN
Material Grade A17D
Finish B


Diameter 12.700 MM
Thread UNC2A
Length 31.750 MM
Thread Length 26.873 MM
Width Across Flats 19.050 MM
Head Height 8.204 MM
Material Grade A17D
Finish B


Part No. Part Type Description Make Machine Model NOTE
19H1815 Lawn and Grounds Care CAP SCREW (S.N. p525000) John Deere Tractor, Lawn 420  
19H1815 Lawn and Grounds Care CAP SCREW (S.N. p525000) John Deere Tractor, Lawn 430  


100 Lawn Tractor - PC1472100 - WAGON, STACK
100 Stack Wagon - PC15411008 - CUTTER, ROTARY
1008 Rotary Cutter - PC18491010 - TRACTOR
1010 Utility Tractor - PC7491020 - TRACTOR
1020, 1120 Tractors - PC41521120 - TRACTOR
1020, 1120 Tractors - PC41521030 - TRACTOR
1030, 1130, 1630 Tractors - PC41551630 - TRACTOR
1030, 1130, 1630 Tractors - PC41551130 - TRACTOR
1030, 1130, 1630 Tractors - PC41551050 - CULTIVATOR, FIELD
1050 Series Drawn Field Cultivator - PC15501175A - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621165A - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621175H4 - COMBINE
1165A, 1175A e 1175H4 Combine - PCCQ206621214 - MOWER, CONDITIONER
1214 Mower Conditioner - PC14631240 - PLANTER
1240 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC1139125 - LOADER, SKID-STEER
125 Skid-Steer Loader - PC15881250 - PLANTER
1250 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC11431280 - PLANTER
1260 and 1280 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planters - PC11401260 - PLANTER
1260 and 1280 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planters - PC11401300 - PLANTER
1300 Plateless Cotton and Corn Planter - PC114113035 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195313037 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195313038 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195313034 - THATCHER
13034, 13035, 13037 and 13038 Thatchers - PC195314 - LOADER, SKID-STEER
14 Skid-Steer Loader - PC14911408 - CUTTER, ROTARY
1408 Rotary Cutter - PC16591424 - MOWER, CONDITIONER
1424 Mower Conditioner - PC1878146 - LOADER, FARM
146 Farm Loader - PC15361508 - CUTTER, ROTARY
1508 Rotary Cutter - PC15131530 - TRACTOR
1530 Tractor - PC4133155 - BLADE
155 Rear Blade - PC15641550 - BACKHOE
1550 Backhoe - PC164316A - CHOPPER, ROTARY
15A and 16A Rotary Chopper - PC76715A - CHOPPER, ROTARY
15A and 16A Rotary Chopper - PC76719 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104616 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104620 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104618 - HITCH, MULTIPLE PLANTER
16, 18, 19 and 20 Multiple Planter Hitches - PC104660 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
160, 261 and 60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mowers - PC1847160 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
160, 261 and 60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mowers - PC1847261 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
160, 261 and 60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mowers - PC18471610 - PLOW, CHISEL
1610 Series Drawn and Integral Chisel Plows - PC16711641F - TRACTOR
1641, 1641F Tractors - PC70581641 - TRACTOR
1641, 1641F Tractors - PC7058CCS - PLANTER
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC9900CCS - CART, COMMODITY
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - CART, COMMODITY
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001720 - PLANTER
1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter - PC99001740 - HARROW, SPRING TOOTH (DRAWN)
1740 Drawn Spring-Tooth Harrow - PC14952030 - TRACTOR
1830, 2030, 2130 Tractors - PC41431830 - TRACTOR
1830, 2030, 2130 Tractors - PC41432130 - TRACTOR
1830, 2030, 2130 Tractors - PC41431900 - TILLER, SEEDING
1900 Seeding Tiller - PC1466200 - WAGON, STACK
200 and 300 Stack Wagons - PC1456300 - WAGON, STACK
200 and 300 Stack Wagons - PC1456200 - THINNER, SYNCHRONOUS
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558215 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558224 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558222 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558218 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558213 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558216 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558230 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC1558200 - COMBINE, PLATFORM (FLEX CUTTERBAR/RIGID)
200 Series (200,213,215,216,218,220,222,224,230) Combine Cutting Platforms - PC15582010 - TRACTOR
2010 Tractor - PC6892040 - TRACTOR
2040 Utility Tractor ( -349999) - PC41502040 - TRACTOR
2040 Utility Tractor (350000- ) - PC1763205 - CUTTER, ROTARY
205 (Integral) and (Pull-Type) Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC995216 - WAGON, FORAGE
214 and 216 Forage Wagons - PC999214 - WAGON, FORAGE
214 and 216 Forage Wagons - PC9992941 - TRACTOR
2141, 2541, 2941 Tractors - PC70552141 - TRACTOR
2141, 2541, 2941 Tractors - PC70552541 - TRACTOR
2141, 2541, 2941 Tractors - PC7055215 - DISK
215 and 215 Dura-Cushion Disks - PC17532240 - TRACTOR
2240 ( -349999) Tractor - PC41512240 - TRACTOR
2240 (350000- ) Tractor - PC17642251N - TRACTOR
2251, 2251N, 2351 Tractors - PC70632251 - TRACTOR
2251, 2251N, 2351 Tractors - PC70632351 - TRACTOR
2251, 2251N, 2351 Tractors - PC70632280 - WINDROWER
2280 Hydrostatic Drive Windrower - PC1604230 - SHREDDER, FEEDER
230 Shredder, Feeder - PC15442320 - WINDROWER
2320 and 2420 Windrowers - PC19072420 - WINDROWER
2320 and 2420 Windrowers - PC1907240 - WINDROWER, PLATFORM
240 Auger (for 2320, 2420 and 2280) Platform - PC1877344 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122443 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122642 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122243 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122643 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122444 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122546 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122244 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122343 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC4122543 - CORN HEAD
243, 244, 343, 344, 443, 444, 543, 546, 642, 643 Corn Heads - PC41222440 - TRACTOR
2440 ( -340999) Tractor - PC15382440 - TRACTOR
2440 (341000- ) Tractor - PC17602520 - TRACTOR
2520 Tractor - PC1145260 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
260 Rotary Mower (For 318, 420 and 430) - PC19292640 - TRACTOR
2640 (s.n. 341,000- ) Tractor - PC17612640 - TRACTOR
2640 (s.n.-340,999) Tractor - PC15392651 - TRACTOR
2651, 2951 Tractors - PC70642951 - TRACTOR
2651, 2951 Tractors - PC70642940 - TRACTOR
2940 Tractor - PC17623010 - TRACTOR
3010 Grove & Orchard, Row-Crop Standard & Utility Tractors (s.n. -049,999) - PC6903030 - TRACTOR
3030, 3130 Tractors - PC41273130 - TRACTOR
3030, 3130 Tractors - PC4127307 - CUTTER, ROTARY
307 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC759310A - BACKHOE, LOADER
310A, 310B Backhoe Loaders - PC1930310B - BACKHOE, LOADER
310A, 310B Backhoe Loaders - PC19303120 - TRACTOR
3120 Tractor - PC41073141 - TRACTOR
3141, 3641 Tractors - PC70573641 - TRACTOR
3141, 3641 Tractors - PC7057315 - DISK
315 Disk - PC1754CD3179DF - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC31782.9 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC3178CD3179TF - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC31783179 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC31782.9L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
3179DF/3179TF OEM Engines, Accessories and Repower (Saran) - PC3178318 - TRACTOR, LAWN AND GARDEN
318 Lawn and Garden Tractor - PC19243300 - COMBINE
3300 Combine - PC1163331 - DISK
331 Power-Flex Wing-Fold Disk - PC1633335 - DISK
335 Wing-Fold (Narrow-Wing) Disk - PC1829335 - DISK
335 Wing-Fold (Wide-Wing) Disk - PC18083351 - TRACTOR
3351, 3651 Tractors - PC70653651 - TRACTOR
3351, 3651 Tractors - PC7065339 - BALER
339 Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3186347 - BALER
347 and 467 Square Balers - PC1906467 - BALER
347 and 467 Square Balers - PC1906349T - BALER
349 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3249349WS - BALER
349 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC324935A - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
35 and 35A Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC153135 - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
35 and 35A Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC1531350 - DISK
350 Offset Disk - PC1559350B - BULLDOZER
350B and 350B (Tractor only) Crawler Tractor - PC1169355 - DISK
355 (Heavy-Duty) Offset Disk - PC1755359T - BALER
359 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3250359WS - BALER
359 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC325037 - LOADER, FARM
37 Farm Loader (for 510 and 710 Tractors) - PC1034370 - DISK
370 Big Swinger Disk - PC1609375 - DISK
375 Big Swinger Disk - PC17563765 - HARVESTER, FORAGE
3765 Forage Harvester - PC318840 - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
40 and 448 Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC1570448 - TILLER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
40 and 448 Tractor-Mounted Tillers - PC1570400 - TRACTOR, LAWN AND GARDEN
400 Hydrostatic Tractor - PC14754010 - TRACTOR
4010 Tractor - PC6913.9 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
4039 Repower and OEM Engines (Saran) - PC31913.9L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
4039 Repower and OEM Engines (Saran) - PC31914039 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
4039 Repower and OEM Engines (Saran) - PC31914240 - TRACTOR
4040, 4240 and 4440 Tractors (North American Edition) - PC18984440 - TRACTOR
4040, 4240 and 4440 Tractors (North American Edition) - PC18984040 - TRACTOR
4040, 4240 and 4440 Tractors (North American Edition) - PC18986466 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19014250 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19016359 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19014450 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC19014050 - TRACTOR
4050, 4250 and 4450 Tractors (Engine:6466D,6466T,6359T)(Worldwide Edition) - PC1901407 - CUTTER, ROTARY
407 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC80540E - CORN HEAD
40E Series Corn Heads - PC4149420 - TRACTOR, LAWN AND GARDEN
420 Lawn and Garden Tractor - PC1925423 - BLADE
423 Front-Mounted Utility Blade - PC17784310 - HARVESTER, BEET
4310 Beet Harvester - PC15864310A - HARVESTER, BEET
4310A Beet Harvester - PC18484400 - COMBINE
4400 Combine - PC1164440C - SKIDDER, LOG
440C Log Skidder and Grapple Log Skidder - PC1523440D - SKIDDER, LOG
440D Log Skidder and 448D Grapple Log Skidder - PC1887448D - SKIDDER, LOG
440D Log Skidder and 448D Grapple Log Skidder - PC18874420 - COMBINE
4420 Combine - PC1745465 - SPREADER, MANURE
445 and 465 Manure Spreaders - PC1677445 - SPREADER, MANURE
445 and 465 Manure Spreaders - PC16774684 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10365184 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10365186 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364484 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364884 - PLANTER
4484, 4684, 4884, 5184 and 5186 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10364493 - PLANTER
4493 and 5193 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC10375193 - PLANTER
4493 and 5193 Cotton and Corn Planters - PC1037450B - BULLDOZER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170JD450B - BULLDOZER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170450B - LOADER, CRAWLER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170JD450B - LOADER, CRAWLER
450B Crawler Tractor - PC1170MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443450C - LOADER, CRAWLER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443450C - CRAWLER LOADER
450C Crawler Loader - PC1443466AWS - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167466AT - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167456AWS - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167456AT - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167466A - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167456A - BALER
456A, 456AT, 456AWS,466A, 466AT, 466AWS Balers - PC3167459WS - BALER
459 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC3251459T - BALER
459 Square Baler (Europe Edition) - PC32514840 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18994640 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996499AR08 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR09 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR04 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR05 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR07 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR10 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR11 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18996466AR12 - TRACTOR
4640 and 4840 Tractors - PC18994850 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19024650 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR15 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR20 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR21 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR18 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC19026466AR16 - TRACTOR
4650 and 4850 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC1902466 - SPREADER, MANURE
466 Manure Spreader - PC1955484 - STRIPPER, COTTON
484 Cotton Stripper - PC1572493A - PLANTER
493A Cotton and Corn Planter - PC800500 - BALER, ROUND
500 Round Baler - PC1529510B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986502A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986509A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986501A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986503B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986503A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986507A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986506B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986509B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986508A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986504B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986505B - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986500 - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC986504A - DRAWBAR, HARROW
500 Series Integral Harrow Drawbars and Harrow Sections - PC9865010 - TRACTOR
5010 Tractor - PC8035020 - TRACTOR
5020 (S.N. 025,000- ) Tractor - PC1156506 - CUTTER, ROTARY
506 and 606 Rotary Cutters - PC1705606 - CUTTER, ROTARY
506 and 606 Rotary Cutters - PC170551 - LOADER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
51, 52 and 67 Tractor-Mounted Loader - PC183767 - LOADER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
51, 52 and 67 Tractor-Mounted Loader - PC183752 - LOADER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
51, 52 and 67 Tractor-Mounted Loader - PC1837515 - DRILL, SOYBEAN AND GRAIN
515 Series Integral Soybean and Grain Drills - PC1912520 - DRILL, SOYBEAN AND GRAIN
520 Series Integral Soybean and Grain Drills - PC1893530 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
530 Transport Hitch Grain Drill - PC191354 - SPREADER, MANURE
54 Manure Spreader - PC115454 - CUTTER, ROTARY
54 Rotary Cutter - PC1839540B - SKIDDER, LOG
540B Log Skidder and Grapple Log Skidder - PC15245460 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5440 and 5460 Forage Harvester - PC16015440 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5440 and 5460 Forage Harvester - PC1601UNDERCARRIAGE - CRAWLER LOADER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464555 - CRAWLER LOADER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464555 - LOADER, CRAWLER
555 Crawler Loader - PC1464569 - CARRIER, TOOLBAR
569 Carrier Toolbar - PC1587570 - GRADER, MOTOR
570, 570A (Automatic Blade Control System) Motor Graders - PC1058570A - GRADER, MOTOR
570, 570A (Automatic Blade Control System) Motor Graders - PC10585820 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5720 and 5820 Forage Harvesters - PC19105720 - HARVESTER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE (SELF-PROPELLED)
5720 and 5820 Forage Harvesters - PC1910580 - WINDROWER
580 Pull-Type Windrower - PC169760 - LOADER, SKID-STEER
60 Skid-Steer Loader - PC161560 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Mower - PC147660 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
60-Inch Tractor-Mounted Rotary Mower (For 400, 420 and 430 Series) - PC19286000 - HI-CYCLE
6000 Hi-Cycle - PC15166059DF092 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31925.9L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31925.9 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31926059 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31926.8 L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC31926.8L - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 300 DIESEL)
6059 OEM Engine and 6059DF092 Repower (100000-499999) - PC319213.5 L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC1342013.5L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC134206135 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC134206135HFM85 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
6135HFM85 PowerTech PT 13.5L OEM Marine Engine (Tier 3) - PC134207700H4 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637500 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637700 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206636300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ206637300 - COMBINE
6300, 7300, 7500, 7700H4 e 7700 Combine - PCCQ20663640 - SKIDDER, LOG
640 Log Skidder and Grapple Log Skidder - PC1518646 - COMPACTOR
646 and 646B Compactors - PC1481646B - COMPACTOR
646 and 646B Compactors - PC14816466D - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC1721466 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC17216466A - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC17216466T - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC17216466 - ENGINE, OEM (SERIES 400 DIESEL)
6466D,T,A (s.n. 067685- ) OEM Engines and Accessories - PC172165 - BLADE
65 Rear Blade - PC1813650 - CART, GRAIN
650 Grain Cart - PC18306500 - BLOWER, ENSILAGE AND FORAGE
6500 Forage Blower - PC1654655 - SEEDER, CENTRAL METERING
655 Central Metering Seeder - PC1949UNDERCARRIAGE - LOADER, CRAWLER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832655 - CRAWLER LOADER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832655 - LOADER, CRAWLER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
655 Crawler Loader - PC1832660 - SPREADER, MANURE
660 and 680 Manure Spreaders - PC1637680 - SPREADER, MANURE
660 and 680 Manure Spreaders - PC1637670 - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC1515DUAL-HITCH - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC1515660 - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC1515671 - RAKE, HAY
660, 670, 671 and Dual-Hitch Hay Rakes - PC15156600 - COMBINE
6600 Combine - PC11666602 - COMBINE
6602 Hillside Combine - PC11656620 - COMBINE
6620 Combine - PC16666622 - COMBINE
6622 Combine - PC1746665 - SEEDER, CENTRAL METERING
665 Central Metering Seeder - PC1840666 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
666 Snow Blower - PC1708676 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
676 Snow Blower - PC1920686 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
686 Snow Blower - PC1921690A - EXCAVATOR
690 and 690A Excavators - PC1142690 - EXCAVATOR
690 and 690A Excavators - PC1142693B - FELLER BUNCHER
693B Feller Buncher (Canada) - PC1580693B - FELLER BUNCHER
693B Feller Buncher (USA) - PC1581696 - SNOW BLOWER (TRACTOR-MOUNTED)
696 Snow Blower - PC1922700 - SCRAPER
700 Hydraulic Controlled Scraper - PC16074-ROW WIDE - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16576-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16574-ROW NARROW - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16577000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Conservation MAXEMERGE Planter (4-Row Wide, 4-Row and 6-Row Narrow) - PC16577000 - PLANTER
7000 Drawn Cotton and Corn Planter - PC14677100 - PLANTER
7100 Integral Folding MAXEMERGE Planter - PC15557100 - PLANTER
7100 Integral Planter - PC14687100 - PLANTER
7100 Soybean Special Integral Planter - PC1833714 - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC1619716 - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC1619716A - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC1619714A - WAGON, FORAGE
714, 714A, 716 and 716A Forage Wagons - PC161972 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
72, 172 and 272 Rotary Mowers - PC1568272 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
72, 172 and 272 Rotary Mowers - PC1568172 - MOWER, TRACTOR-MOUNTED
72, 172 and 272 Rotary Mowers - PC1568722 - TILLER, MULCH
722 Finisher Mulch Tiller - PC1954725 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
725 Series Row-Crop Cultivators - PC1931727 - CUTTER, ROTARY
727 and 737 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC1152737 - CUTTER, ROTARY
727 and 737 Rotary Cutter, Gyramor - PC1152730 LL - DRILL, AIR
730 LL Air Disk Drill - PC9901743 - TREE HARVESTER
743 Tree Harvester and Feller-Buncher - PC15717440 - STRIPPER, COTTON
7440 Cotton Stripper - PC193275 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
75 Folding Toolbar Row-Crop Cultivator - PC1459MASTER TRAX - BULLDOZER
750 Crawler Bulldozer - PC1884750 - BULLDOZER
750 Crawler Bulldozer - PC1884UNDERCARRIAGE - BULLDOZER
750 Crawler Bulldozer - PC1884755A - LOADER, CRAWLER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715MASTER TRAX - CRAWLER LOADER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715MASTER TRAX - LOADER, CRAWLER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715755A - CRAWLER LOADER
755A Crawler Loader - PC1715762A - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
762A Elevating Scraper - PC17937700 - COMBINE
7700 Combine - PC11677701 - COMBINE
7701 Pull-Type Combine - PC1606772AH - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC1621770A - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC1621770AH - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC1621772A - GRADER, MOTOR
770A/770AH and 772A/772AH (Automatic Blade Control System) Mo tor Graders - PC16217720 - COMBINE
7720 Combine - PC16677721 - COMBINE
7721 Combine - PC166978 - WINDROWER, PLATFORM
78 Draper (for 780 and 800) Platform - PC106680 - TOOL BAR
80 Toolbar - PC16478350 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468500 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468000 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468250 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468100 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468200 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC14468300 - HITCH, GRAIN DRILL
8000 Series Grain Drills and Grain Drill Hitches - PC144680A - BLADE
80A and 88 Rear Blade - PC104288 - BLADE
80A and 88 Rear Blade - PC1042815 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
815 and 825 Series Row-Crop Cultivators - PC1865825 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
815 and 825 Series Row-Crop Cultivators - PC1865820 - TRACTOR
820 Utility Tractor (North American Version) - PC4114830 - TRACTOR
830 Utility Tractor (North American Version) - PC4132930 - TRACTOR
830, 930 Tractors (European Edition) - PC4154830 - TRACTOR
830, 930 Tractors (European Edition) - PC4154835 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
835 Precision, Vegetable Row-Crop Cultivator - PC18668430 - TRACTOR
8430 Tractor (1974-1981) (Worldwide Edition) - PC1485844 - LOADER, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE
844 Loader - PC16318640 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC19038440 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC19036499AR08 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC19036466AR09 - TRACTOR
8440 and 8640 Tractors - PC1903845 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
845 Series Folding Row-Crop Cultivator - PC18678650 - TRACTOR
8450, 8650 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC18758450 - TRACTOR
8450, 8650 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) - PC187585 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
85 Series Folding Row-Crop Cultivator - PC1709850 - BULLDOZER
850 (Low Ground Pressure Bulldozer) Crawler Bulldozer - PC1885MASTER TRAX - BULLDOZER
850 (Low Ground Pressure Bulldozer) Crawler Bulldozer - PC1885UNDERCARRIAGE - BULLDOZER
850 (Low Ground Pressure Bulldozer) Crawler Bulldozer - PC1885855 - LOADER, CRAWLER
855 Crawler Loader - PC1625855 - CRAWLER LOADER
855 Crawler Loader - PC1625860A - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
860 and 860A Elevating Scrapers - PC1124860 - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
860 and 860A Elevating Scrapers - PC1124862 - SCRAPER, ELEVATING
862 Elevating Scraper - PC17168630 - TRACTOR
8630 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC1486870A - SPREADER, MANURE
870A Manure Spreader - PC16028820 - COMBINE
8820 Combine - PC16688850 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC18748955AR03 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC18748955AR02 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC18748955AR01 - TRACTOR
8850 Tractor (Worldwide Edition) - PC1874890 - EXCAVATOR
890 Excavator - PC1616890A - EXCAVATOR
890A Excavator - PC18829000 - DRILL, GRAIN
9000 Series Grain Drills and Two-Drill and Three-Drill and Grain Drill Hitches - PC15939000 - DRILL, GRAIN
9000 Series Transport Grain Drill Hitches - PC1779910 - CART, GRAIN
910 Grain Cart - PC156695 - BLADE
95 Rear Blade - PC1828955 - COMBINE
955 Combine - PC4146990 - EXCAVATOR
990 Excavator - PC18519900 - PICKER, COTTON
9900 Cotton Picker - PC14579910 - PICKER, COTTON
9910 Cotton Picker - PC16559920 - PICKER, COTTON
9920 Cotton Picker - PC19339940 - PICKER, COTTON
9940 Cotton Picker - PC1800A20 - CULTIVATOR, BEET-BEAN-VEGETABLE
A20 Beet, Bean and Vegetable Row-Crop Cultivator - PC1147B2 - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BWN - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BWS - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BW - HARROW, DISK
B2, BW, BWN and BWS Disk Harrows - PC744BD1110 - FRONTIER
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1113 - DRILL, GRAIN
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1108 - FRONTIER
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1108 - DRILL, GRAIN
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1110 - DRILL, GRAIN
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937BD1113 - FRONTIER
BD1108, BD1110, BD1113 Grain Drills (Frontier) - PC9937925 - COMBINE
Combines 925, 935, 945 - PC4145945 - COMBINE
Combines 925, 935, 945 - PC4145935 - COMBINE
Combines 925, 935, 945 - PC4145970 - COMBINE
Combines 950, 960, 970 - PC4125950 - COMBINE
Combines 950, 960, 970 - PC4125960 - COMBINE
Consumer Product Accessories - PC1149F905 - DRAWBAR, HARROW
F905 and F915 Harrow Section Drawbars - PC763F915 - DRAWBAR, HARROW
F905 and F915 Harrow Section Drawbars - PC763FM468 - HARVESTER, BEAN
Hydraulic Marker - PC106224A - LOADER, SKID-STEER
JD24A and 24A Skid-Steer Loaders - PC1577544 - LOADER, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE
JD544 and JD544A Loaders - PC1068544A - LOADER, FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE
JD544 and JD544A Loaders - PC1068700A - TRACTOR
JD700 Series A Tractor - PC1155760A - TRACTOR
JD760 Series A Tractor - PC1153KB - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KC - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KCA - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KBA - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KBL - HARROW, DISK
KB, KC, KBA, KCA, KBL and KBY Disk Harrows - PC375KBY - HARROW, DISK
Miscellaneous Products - PC14826135HFG75 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC107096135 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC1070913.5 L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC1070913.5L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech 13.5L 6135HFG75 Diesel OEM Generator Set Engine - PC1070913.5 L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC1052913.5L - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC105296135HFC95 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC105296135 - ENGINE, POWERTECH
PowerTech PSX 13.5L 6135HFC95 OEM (IT4 Engine) - PC1052946 - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
RG Series and 46 Row-Crop Cultivators - PC717RG - CULTIVATOR, ROW-CROP
RG Series and 46 Row-Crop Cultivators - PC717S680 - COMBINE
S680 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-766006) - PC107186135HH003 - COMBINE
S680 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-766006) - PC107186135HH004 - COMBINE
S680 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-766006) - PC107186135HH004 - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC10721HILLMASTER - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC10721S680HM - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC107216135HH003 - COMBINE
S680HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. -765000) - PC10721S690 - COMBINE
S690 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-765249) - PC107196135HH003 - COMBINE
S690 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-765249) - PC107196135HH004 - COMBINE
S690 Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745100-765249) - PC107196135HH003 - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC107226135HH004 - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC10722HILLMASTER - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC10722S690HM - COMBINE
S690HM Combine (Worldwide Edition, S.N. 745101 - 765000) - PC107226135HH007 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX130100- ) - PC13446S780 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX130100- ) - PC134466135HH007 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX140100- ) - PC16046S780 - COMBINE
S780 Combine (PIN: 1CQS780XXXX140100- ) - PC160466135HH007 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX130100- ) - PC13447S790 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX130100- ) - PC134476135HH007 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX140100- ) - PC16047S790 - COMBINE
S790 Combine (PIN: 1CQS790XXXX140100- ) - PC16047SPRINTFIRE - SNOWMOBILE
Snowfire and Sprintfire Snowmobiles - PC1872SNOWFIRE - SNOWMOBILE
Snowfire and Sprintfire Snowmobiles - PC1872SPITFIRE - SNOWMOBILE
Spitfire Snowmobile - PC1623WG32A - MOWER, WALK-BEHIND (COMMERCIAL)
WG32A Commercial Walk-Behind Mower - PC10495WG36A - MOWER, WALK-BEHIND (COMMERCIAL)
WG36A Commercial Walk-Behind Mower - PC10496WG48A - MOWER, WALK-BEHIND (COMMERCIAL)
WG48A Commercial Walk-Behind Mower - PC10497

WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals, including lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer or other reproductive harm. For more information go to